Bordeaux, place de la bourse

Call for industry short papers

The Industrial Track of the Middleware 2014 Conference solicits short papers for presentation at the conference and inclusion in the ACM Digital Library. The topics of interest are similar to those in the general conference call for papers (see However, the purpose of the Industrial Track is to emphasize the practical issues, observations, and measurement of “real-world” systems and to disseminate information of particular interest to Middleware architects, developers and researchers.

Topics of interest for the industrial track include, but are not limited to:

  • Experiences on Internet-scale, grid, cloud computing and other large scale deployments,
  • Experiences with cloud middleware, Platforms as a Service (Database as a Service, MOM as a Service…), middleware for Big data
  • Approaches and tools for real-life deployment e.g. hardware equipment management (installation, updates, replacement), management of data center buildings, network points of presence, “data center in-a-box”
  • Devops, continuous software development and deployment,
  • Approaches and tools for operation and management e.g. patches, bug corrections, uninstallation
  • Approaches and experience reports on scalability issues (observed real-life loads and adaptations)
  • Approaches and experience reports on availability (observed real-life faults and faults models)
  • Approaches and experience reports on reliability
  • Approaches and experience reports on security issues (e.g. real attacks on deployed platforms and impacts)
  • Customer support tools and experiences
  • Measurements, issues, and observations around middleware for mobile computing
  • Experience with and design for deployments of embedded systems, sensor networks and Internet of Things
  • Economic, energy-aware, and environmental analyses (e.g. cost and/or energetic impacts of large data center-based deployments versus more distributed deployments).
  • Experience with design principles and tools for middleware

Important dates

Paper Submission August 22, 2014
Notification of Acceptance September 26, 2014
Camera ready October 8, 2014

Paper Submission

Industrial Track short papers will be peer reviewed by the Industry Track Program Committee. They will be included in the Middleware 2014 conference proceedings and published in the ACM Digital Library. Industry short papers should not exceed 6 pages in length, including abstract, all figures, tables, but excluding references. Submitted papers should adhere to the formatting instructions of the ACM Style, and should clearly indicate their type on their first page. Please note that submissions are single-blind: authors’ names should appear.

Please see our EasyChair page for details about submission.




